Hello, I'm Aimee.
I believe in an approach to nutrition that keeps you at the center of everything we do. We work together on your unique health needs using an integrative approach to nutrition therapy. As a team we come up with nutrition goals that meet your taste preferences, time, budget, and lifestyle. We incorporate and evidenced-based use of herbs and supplements as well as lifestyle modifications such as finding joyful movement and ways to help you destress.
Our Services
Gut Health
“Gut Health” might sound like one of those popular health phrases that everyone is throwing around these days, but gut health is something that is really important for our overall health and wellness. Our gut health has been directly linked to our immune health, our mood and mental health, and other things such as autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders and skin conditions. It has even been linked to cancer.

Hormone Balance
Our hormones are the chemical messengers that circulate throughout our body and send signals for specific actions to occur. When our hormones are imbalanced it means that we either have too much or too little of hormone and often its more than one hormone that is out of balance. Hormones are very important to our overall health and the signs or symptoms of imbalance will vary based on the hormones that are out of whack
We all know what it’s like to feel stressed out. But did you know that there is more to stress than the perceived emotional and psychological stress of our day-to-day lives? High or low blood sugar, inadequate or poor sleep, and inflammation are also sources of stress on our bodies. Strategies such as dietary changes and certain lifestyle modifications can help improve our bodies response to stress.
Joyful Movement
A healthy lifestyle involves so many things that it can feel like an overwhelming chore. Sleep, joyful movement, stress reduction, nourishing our bodies through food, decreasing our toxic load; these are all things that play a role in our self-care lifestyle. The good news is that little changes made over time can help in your overall health and wellness. Plus, in my practice we strive for progress and not perfection.
